Types (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia)

Drawing of the diaphragm with a view from below: 1, 3 and 6 to 8 are physiological attenuations or openings, such as the entrance for the esophagus (3), aorta (7), and inferior vena cava (8). Left side of the patient in the drawing: Examples of congenital openings (2, 4 and 5). Open pleuroperitoneal channel with or without hernia sac (4), open lumbocostal trigonum (5) and not shown in this drawing open pleuroperitoneal foramen with a very large defect = Types of Bochdalek's diaphragmatic hernias which lie behind and in the middle. Uni- or bilateral sternocostal opening (2) = Types of Morgagni diaphragmatic hernias which lie anteriorly.