Epidermoid Cyst vs. Battered Child

Epidermoid Cyst vs. Battered Child

Left picture: The diagnosis is an epidermoid cyst of the lateral eye angle. Right picture: The diagnosis is a periorbital hematoma of the brow conforming to the picture of battered child syndrome. Even in case of a seemingly simple tumor of the head, a general examination is still necessary, mainly if the local finding cannot be assigned to a distinct and typical pathology as in this 1-month-old patient; among other things, a local finding was detected on the right lower leg which strongly suggests the use of external force (bottom of picture).

In both infants a small mass is visible in continuation of the left eyebrow on the lateral side. Left picture: On inspection and palpation, this pathology is found to be well-demarcated; the mass is rough, sticks to periosteum and bone of the lateral eye angle, and the overlying skin is mobile. Right picture: In this lesion the contrary is true: The mass is elongated and running parallel to the upper eyelid, is soft, and not well-demarcated from the overlying skin.