Staging/Forms 6 (Nephroblastoma)

Figure tuab_6a_n.jpg: 4.3-year-old girl. Laparotomy in a left-sided abdominal tumor. The mass is large, and the original organ is not recognizable (notice the hand on the right side of the patient). At the bottom in the picture there is the mobilized descending colon and left colonic flexure. The diagnosis is a large Wilms' tumor. The preoperative work-up examinations have also established an involvement of the right kidney (= bilateral nephroblastoma). Following additional non-operative treatment, the left side has been operated by a tumor nephrectomy at the beginning. Bilateral Wilms' tumors occur in 10 % and are allocated to stage 5 ( V ); in addition, each side is staged according to the operative findings. The multidisciplinary and mainly the surgical treatment is quite demanding. Figure tuab_6b_n.jpg: Tumor preparation with tumor processes half the size of the main mass. Such tumor processes may be responsible for the visible and palpable, irregular and nodulated clinical findings; $$tuab_01??££Picture for comparison.§§