Hepatomegaly (Neuroblastoma)

tuab_18a_n.jpg: 1-year-old infant with a large abdominal tumor. It lies mainly in the upper abdomen and continues in the right lower abdomen. Due to the findings on palpation (notice the limits drawn on the skin) the tumor can be associated with the liver. The diagnosis is a metastasis liver in neuroblastoma. tuab_18b_n.jpg: Operative findings in a 1.3-year-old infant with a prominent belly. Following transverse upper laparotomy the increased liver protrudes through the abdominal incision. Its structure is inhomogeneous, yellowish sprinkled, and exhibits irregularities of the surface. The diagnosis is a metastasis liver, too, as it occurs frequently in newborns and infants with neuroblastoma. This hepatomegaly may simulate in infants a primary abdominal tumor. In this case chemotherapy has already been performed.