X-ray in Retroperitoneal Tumor (Neuroblastoma)

tuab_15a_n.jpg: Lateral x-ray of a contrast enema in a 1.4-year-old girl with an abdominal tumor. The colon is shifted forward by a space-occupying process. Notice the relatively large and irregularly formed shadows within the process. tuab_15b_n.jpg: Retrograde pyelography of the left side in a 1.5-year-old girl. The left renal calicopelvic system is clearly recognizable but displaced to the bottom like a withered flower. tuab_15c_n.jpg: Catheter angiography in a 2-year-old girl with demonstration of the arterial vessels of both kidneys. The left kidney is dislocated to the bottom; cranially, a rounded mass half the kidney size is visible which has abnormal vessels and extravasations of contrast. tuab_15a_n.jpg to tuab_15c_n.jpg: In each of the 3 different female patients who are on an average younger than nephroblastoma children there is a retroperitoneal process; according to the the site in tuab_15a_n.jpg a paraspinal and in tuab_15b_n.jpg and tuab_15c_n.jpg a neuroblastoma of the adrenal gland may be possible. This diagnosis is very reliable due to the localization and the tectonics of the abnormal vessels in tuab_15c_n.jpg. In tuab_15a_n.jpg a teratoma may also be present because in neuroblastoma there are usually multiple, regularly distributed and granular calcifications. A neuroblastoma or another form of grenz ray tumor may be comfirmed or excluded mainly by the determination of the catecholamines and of their metabolites in the urine. Nowadays, CT and/or MRI allows an exact localization and topographical and anatomical description. The demonstrated old work-up examinations allow visually a better imagination of the retroperitoneal site of these abdominal tumors.