Crossing Scrotal Edema 2 (Idiopathic Scrotal Edema)

skro_19a_n.jpg: 5.10-year-old boy with a crossing redness and swelling of the scrotum. The beginning of the redness was insidious and the redness also involves the perineum. skro_19b_n.jpg and skro_19c_n.jpg: Toddler with a bluish-reddish discoloration of the whole scrotal skin and with a swelling more pronounced on the left side. The redness involves also the perineal region. The contours of the scrotum and the skin folds are mainly coarsened on the left side. The groins are not involved. skro_19a_n.jpg, skro_19b_n.jpg and skro_19c_n.jpg: In both cases the diagnosis is idiopathic scrotal edema which is a non-infectious and self-limited, probably allergic disease in boys below the age of 7 years. The idiopathic scrotal edema is hardly painful, and the characteristic discoloration may spread to the perineum and the groin, is sharply limited, and differs from the distribution pattern of a $$skro_16??££cellulitis.§§ .