Testicular Appendages (Torsion of Appendages)

skro_11a_n.jpg: Drawing of the appendages occurring on the testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord (Rolnick D et al. J Urol 100:755, 1968). These appendages or hydatids are embryological residuals, e.g. of the Mullerian duct structures which have not disappeared following development. skro_11b_n.jpg: Operative findings in a 13.9-year-old boy with a mass with a fine stalk on the testicular surface. On the right side in the picture the testis and on the left side the epididymis is visible. The dark-red to black mass lies between the head of the epididymis and the upper pole of the testis. skro_11a_n.jpg and skro_11b_n.jpg: The testicular appendage lies at the upper pole of the testis. In addition, there are appendages of the epididymis or of the spermatic cord which are marked by the name of the first descriptive author or of its embryological origin. All appendages may twist. In the case report there is a torsion of a testicular appendage, which is the most frequently observed type. The appendage exhibits a hemorrgagic infarction. A non-operative proceeding is only indicated if the diagnosis is reliable, e.g. a 'blue spot' with corresponding ultrasound findings and absent symptoms. Notice an additional small appendage, the so-called vas aberrans of Haller on the epididymis.