Asymmetry Mammary Glands (Funnel Chest)

peex_15a_n.jpg: 13.2-year-old completely developed girl in whom the deep and asymmetric funnel is hidden by the breasts in the view from the front. The asymmetry of the breasts is bothering the teenager more than the funnel chest itself because the left breast seems to be larger, and in contrast to the right mammilla the left areola and mammilla points toward the left side. At the age of 5.8 years in figure peex_15b_n.jpg the deep and asymmetrical funnel was much better recognizable. The anatomical asymmetry at the end of development often bothers the teenagers more than the funnel chest itself. The deformity caused by the funnel chest is often hidden by an ample mamma development. The examination of the spine is just as important as the evaluation of the mamma development; kyphosis and/or scoliosis are possible postural anomalies, may belong to the combined lesions of funnel chest, and have to be considered in the treatment; in this respect, see peex_21a_n.jpg / peex_21b_n.jpg and peex_22c_n.jpg / peex_22d_n.jpg.