Results of Surgery 1 (Unilateral Cleft Lip)

Figure liki_19a_n.jpg to liki_19d_n.jpg: Results after closure of a unilateral cleft lip. Figure liki_19a_n.jpg: Newborn with a left cleft lip, Figure liki_19b_n.jpg: 1 week after closure of the lip at the age of 4 months. Figure liki_19c_n.jpg: An analogous case with a right cleft lip shows how the broad cleft alveolus prior to surgery is corrected to a fine cleft postoperatively during infancy. Figure liki_19d_n.jpg: Notice the position of the part of the alveolus to the right of the cleft in the neonate, and late in infancy. The result is similar to an orthodontic treatment with an adjustable plate.