Pre-/Postoperative Clinical Presentation, Operative Findings (Frontal Synostosis)

Figure kran_8a_n.jpg to kran_8c_n.jpg: Clinical presentation of a severe form of frontal (metopic) synostosis in a 5-month-old boy. Figure kran_8a_n.jpg: The view from the front already shows the typical carinate deformity of the front with a disturbing bony ridge in the midline. The lateral part of the frontal region does not sufficiently roof the eyes which are close together (hypotelorism). Figure kran_8b_n.jpg: The corrective surgery with advancement must consider the involvement of the whole metopic suture with a bony ridge up to the fronto-nasal suture. Therefore, the transiently removed supraorbital band has to be straightened in the midline prior to replacing it; this has not yet been performed in this case of a 3-month-old infant. Figure kran_8c_n.jpg: The deformity is corrected after surgery except for some depression in the temporal region, brought about later by the expanding frontal lobes.