Balloon-like Renal Pelvis 2 (UTI/VUR)

harn_12a_n.jpg: 10 cm long preparation of a kidney not recognizable as such. There is an extrarenal expansion of the pelvicocaliceal system; the cicatrized renal parenchyma lies completely at the periphery like a cap (visible at the bottom of the picture). harn_12b_n.jpg: A probe cannot pass through the stenosis at the transition of the pelvis to the proximal stenosis, neither from the opened pelvis nor from the opened proximal ureter ( harn_12c_n.jpg). harn_12a_n.jpg to harn_12c_n.jpg: The diagnosis is an obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction which led to a severe loss of function. In contrast to harn_11_n.jpg, the pelvis lies mainly outside the kidney (= extrarenal pelvis). harn_11_n.jpg and harn_12a_n.jpg to harn_12c_n.jpg explain that in contrast to the vesicoureteral reflux, leading symptoms other than a UTI may be present, such as an abdominal tumor - $$tuab_01??££see alternate figure 1§§ and $$tuab_02??££alternate figure 2§§ - or a kidney with decreased or not recognizable function in the IVU.