Prognosis 1 (Renal Trauma)

hage_37a_n.jpg: Catheterangiography in a 3.1-year-old boy with suspected renal trauma of the right side. Interruption of the continuity between the upper pole and the residual right kidney. Both parts of the kidney have a good vascularization. hage_37b_n.jpg: IVU 2 months after the trauma to the right kidney. The calices of the upper pole and of the middle kidney are dilated and have blurred boundaries.hage_37c_n.jpg: IVU 1.9 years after trauma to the right kidney. The calices are still dilated. hage_37a_n.jpg to hage_37c_n.jpg: In this case of grade 3 (III) renal trauma a non-operative proceeding was chosen. At early and late follow-up dilatation of the calices of the upper pole and of the middle part of the right kidney is present similar to an upper calix syndrome due to a stenosis at the transition to the renal pelvis. In case of repeated urinary tract infections and/or stone formation a secondary heminephrectomy is necessary. The case illustrates the requirement of early and late follow-ups in non-operative treatment of intermediate grade renal rupture.