Bladder Stone 2

hage_24a_n.jpg and hage_24b_n.jpg: Bladder stones in two different children. hage_24a_n.jpg: Endoscopic view of a stone which is adherent to the bladder wall and has an irregular surface. hage_24b_n.jpg: Picture of a curved stone which has a regular structure of the surface and a length of 1.5 to 2.0 cm. hage_24a_n.jpg and hage_24b_n.jpg: In both cases the existing stones were caused by a foreign body; in the first patient the cause of the stone formation was a braided thread (Vicryl) used for bladder surgery at an earlier time; In the second patient, a broken off piece of a catheter tip. Foreign bodies maintain a chronic infection and may lead to formation of stones; depending on size and location, they may also lead to voiding disorders.