Renal Calculus 2

hage_21_n.jpg: Plain abdominal x-ray and retrograde pyelography of the left side in a 1.3-year-old boy with recurrent urinary tract infections and erythrocytes in the urine sediment: In the picture of the left side multiple calcifications are visible in the projection to the left kidney. In the picture on the right side a stenosis of the pyeloureteric junction with dilatation of the pelvis is visible. As in hage_20a_n.jpg to hage_20c_n.jpg the visible calcifications are infectious stones caused in this case by an obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction. Depending on the number of cases, $$hage_28??££the age distribution§§, and the period of observation, one third of the children with renal calculus have a urological malformation which is a peculiarity of childhood; also to this group belong reconstructed bladders, e.g. after bladder exstrophy. The clinical presentation is mainly recurrent urinary tract infection with/without erythrocytes in the urine sediment.