Masses at the Nasion

Figure epid_9a_n.jpg and epid_9b_n.jpg: Nasal encephalocele and nasal glioma are two important differential diagnoses of a nasal epidermoid or dermoid cyst. Usually, nasal epidermoid cysts are smaller and also occur at the dorsum of the nose and at the nasal septum. Figure epid_9a_n.jpg: An encephalocele consists either of an extension of the meninx (meningocele), or, in addition, of brain tissue. Notice in the demonstrated neonate with encephalocele the increased distance between the centers of the pupils = hypertelorisms which is often an associated anomaly. Figure epid_9b_n.jpg: This neonate, too, has a mass at the level of the nasion, also consisting of dysplastic brain tissue, but without intracranial extension = nasal glioma; it can be excised from the outside. For the differential diagnosis, epidermoid cyst, encephalocele or nasal glioma, and planning of surgery, a CT with thin sections is necessary.