Gastroschisis vs. Bladder Exstrophy
Gastroschisis vs. Bladder Exstrophy Left picture: In this newborn a gastroschisis is present.
Right picture: This neonate has a so-called bladder exstrophy; the anterior abdominal and bladder wall are open and allow a view into the cavity of the bladder with its back wall; the examiner has introduced a ureter catheter through the uteral orifice visible on the right side. In both newborns a preliminary ligation of the umbilical cord has been performed; a defect of the midline of the abdominal wall is obvious.
Left picture: Dark-red discolored intestinal loops are lying on a white towel, and above the residue of the cord a small rounded structure is visible which reminds of a navel with epithelization.
Right picture: The defect does not lie beside the insertion of the navel but below it and is round; on crying the mucous membrane of the structure is protruding with continuation in a
broad penis which is bent upward and open on its dorsal side.