Inguinal Hernia vs. Nuck´s Cyst (Female Hydrocele of the Cord)

Inguinal Hernia vs. Nuck´s Cyst (Female Hydrocele of the Cord)

Left picture: The diagnosis is an inguinal hernia. Right picture: This female toddler has a Nuck´s cyst which is the analogous pathology to the hydrocele of the cord in a boy. It does not disappear spontaneously.

A toddler and a schoolchild with a non-irritable, small swelling of the inguinolabial region. Right picture: The patholoy of this female schoolchild lies in the upper half of the left labium majus. Left picture: Here, the swelling of this toddler lies mainly in the right groin. Right picture: The swelling is cystic and tense. A reduction is impossible. Left picture: The finding is smooth and can disappear through finger pressure of the examiner.