Accessory Mammilla vs. Pigment Nevi, Neurofibromatosis
Accessory Mammilla vs. Pigment Nevi, Neurofibromatosis Left picture: This finding is due to the small nipple distictly recognizable as accessory mammilla. (Microgaphs of sebaceous glands.
Right picture: Here, the findings are more difficult to explain. More than the missing (not recognizable) nipples, it is the site beyond the milk crest leading to the axilla which does not support an accessory mammilla. The diagnosis is pigmented nevi in a case of neurofibromatosis. The patient has more than 5 pigmented nevi on her back . In both schoolchildren on the left or the right side of the chest wall a distinctly recognizable areola and nipple is visible.
Left picture: In this picture an additional finding is present which has a similar pigmentation.
Right picture: In this picture two additional findings are present which have an almost equal pigmentation, but are smaller.