Voiding Dysfunctions Posterior Urethral Valves |
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Incidence | |
Posterior urethral valves are a relatively frequent malformation which occur nearly exclusively in boys. The manifestation of severe types of valves already takes place pre- or postnatally in the newborn or young infant; slight types are recognized later, sometimes even in schoolchildren. | |
Clinical significance | Illustrations |
1. One of the most frequent causes of obstructive uropathy of the lower urinary tract and of voiding dysfunction in newborns and infants. | ![]() show details |
Etiology | |
Unknown. | |
Pathology, anatomical types | Illustrations |
Instead of a crista urethralis there is a structure similar to a swallow's nest, e.g. an accentuation of the normal folds that emanate from the distal end of the verumontanum, impairing urinary flow (= Type I of Young). Less frequently, a membrane with a central hole is observed (= Type III of Young) which is located distally of the colliculus seminalis. | ![]() show details |
Pathophysiology | Illustrations |
Severe types of valves lead
to secondary changes of the bladder, such as hypertrophy of the bladder muscles and bladder diverticula; the so-called valve bladder causes obstructive
megaureters and secondary vesicoureteral reflux. | ![]() show details |
Clinical presentation (history, findings, clinical skills) | Illustrations |
Prenatal findings: Bilateral hydronephrosis combined with visible dilated ureters and a constantly filled, thick-walled bladder on ultrasound; in addition, oligohydramnion, lung hypoplasia, and a pathological content of the urine and the amniotic fluid may be found. History and findings in newborns: Urinary retention, dripping and/or a weak urinary stream. Chronic retention of urine with a visible and palpable tumor (bladder) in the lower mid-abdomen, clinical signs of renal insufficiency and of respiratory distress syndrome. History and findings in infants, toddlers, and schoolchildren: Besides voiding disorders, there are complicated urinary tract infections and urosepsis, slight disorders of voiding as impeded micturation (use of the abdominal wall muscles, delayed start of micturation), weak urine stream, enuresis. | ![]() show details |
Natural history | |
Failure to treat severe cases leads to death due to renal insufficiency and septicaemia, while slight types of valves will have a continual voiding disorder with possible damage to the bladder wall. | |
Differential diagnosis | Illustrations |
The differential diagnosis includes all lesions which lead to voiding disorders and/or to urinary tract infection; and prenatally and/or in the newborn to renal insufficiency, respiratory distress syndrome, urinary retention, and an abdominal tumor (full bladder, urinary ascites and/or hydronephrosis as cause). | ![]() show details |
Work-up examinations | Illustrations |
- For confirming
the clinical diagnosis of urethral valves: VCUG (=voiding cystourethrography)
and cystoscopy; | ![]() show details |
Therapy | Illustrations |
The prenatal insertion of
a vesicoamniotic shunt is controversially discussed. | ![]() show details |
Prognosis | |
1/3 of the children die
of renal failure (included the prenatally recognized patients), 1/3 survive
with different degrees of disorders of renal and bladder function,
and 1/3 are without any sequels.