Hirschsprung´s Disease vs. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

Hirschsprung´s Disease vs. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

Left picture: This patient has a beginning ileus in Hirschsprung´s disease. Right picture: In this case, a hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is present; the suspected intestinal loop in the middle abdomen corresponds to a dilated stomach.

Both infants of the first trimenon are in a good nutritional state, but obviously in an emergency situation because they are constantly vomiting and therefore, they need an intravenous infusion. Stool evacuation has stopped in both patients. Left picture: The boy is apathetic; his abdomen lies above the level of the chest, and at least two intestinal loops are prominent, running in a transverse direction. Right picture: The girl has a suffering expression; an intestinal loop is prominent close to the navel; the upper belly is otherwise not protruding.