Bladder Exstrophy vs. Partial Exstrophy of the Bladder

Bladder Exstrophy vs. Partial Exstrophy of the Bladder

Left picture: This case is an example of a bladder exstrophy in a girl. Right picture: In this case a bladder exstrophy is present, too; but the residual or partial exstrophy consists only of an small cranial opening of the bladder and a slight cleft formation of the penis (=epispadias).

In both patients who are born in this moment, an anomaly can be seen below the umbilical cord which has a very distal insertion on the abdominal wall. Left picture: The bladder wall is prolapsed below the residue of the umbilical cord, and the female external genitals are divided. Right picture: A penis is visible which has no normal foreskin and exhibits a dorsal furrow; in the midline a scar proceeds up to the navel and, at its cranial end, fades into a slightly prominent structure covered with a mucous membrane.